It's a great little weapon,
That tongue in your head;
And you take it wherever you go;
Yes, I'm sure you'll agree
It's a weapon to dread
When you use it for lashing a foe.
You can wound with a phrase
Or cut deep with a word
Its a smoke-screen of innocent jest;
But the truth of it is,
Or -- well, so I have heard,
That the least you can say is the best.
It's a weapon for gossiping
All through the day
Or at night in the tattler's club,
When the free-for-all wagging
Has infinite play
And wild rumor is worn to the nub.
It's a marvelous thing
How some word you let fall
Can ruin a man. But please rest
Quite assured, my dear friend,
If you must speak at all,
That the least you can say is the best.
It's a great little weapon
For sarcasm, too,
The sly tongue that you hold in your cheek;
You can cut men to pieces
Or run them quite through
With an ironic word you can speak.
What a weapon it is
For dethroning a man
From his fine self-esteem -- but I'm blessed,
That I firmly believe --
Ah, deny it who can!
That the least you can say is the best!
(Copyright, 1940)
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