The selfishness I see in you
Could well be, I surmise,
A fault that I'm discerning
Through a pair of selfish eyes.
You aren't kind and courteous
When things have gone askew;
And so I'm vexed to see myself
Reflected thus in you.
That tendency of yours to rail
About what others do
Annoys me for the reason that
I'm quite a gossip, too.
Your trait of taking lots of time
And dawdling in your work
Reminds me painfully that I
Am one who's prone to shirk.
That fault you have of laughing
Loud at every silly joke
I criticize because I know
You're just my kind of folk.
You're not dishonest, goodness no!
But tricky in a deal.
And I'm annoyed -- for I'm like that
Sometimes, I've come to feel.
I note, my friend, you aren't frank
In speaking out your mind;
That irks me, too, for in myself
That very fault I find.
You're quite a boor, if I must say,
When friends have come to chat,
I'm speaking of it, I suppose
Because I'm much like that.
And so I guess the moral is:
The tings that I eschew
Are shabby things about myself
That I perceive in you!
Louis W. Larsen
(Copyright, 1940)
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