From where you sit to view this thing
We now discuss, 'tis clear
That you are right and I am wrong.
But -- I'm sitting over here!
It seems to me you're quite perverse
To argue and declare
That all the truth is on your side.
But -- you're sitting over there!
I wonder, should we view the world,
Each through the other's eyes,
If what we saw would bring to us
A staggering surprise.
Why, could it be, your party's plank
Is laid on solid ground?
And that the party I uphold
Is rather safe and sound?
Would I see good in your dear friend,
Who seemed to me a boor?
And you accept a friend of mine
You'd never liked before?
Or would I recognize some truth
In your outlandish creed?
And would you say my faith is more
Than some poor shaken reed?
It's funny, when you stop to think,
The causes we espouse!
Each wholly wrong, each wholly right,
By all eternal vows!
So you come over here and sit
And I'll sit over there,
Then all our futile differences
Will vanish in thin air!
(Copyright, 1940)
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